Our vision and mission statement
Our Vision
4ever unique
Arts 4 Wellbeing excels in stimulating vulnerable people of South Tyneside, particularly those with existing or potential mental health issues, learning difficulties and or disabilities, using high quality arts, academic studies and creative experiences that encourage personal development and valuable social interaction for individuals who are often most marginalised within society. We will continue to create a safe and protecting environment allowing every member to further their confidence in all aspects of life.
Over the next 3 years our primary intention is to consolidate operations, improve existing service delivery whilst simultaneously exploring new development opportunities that will ensure sustainability in an uncertain and challenging environment for voluntary sector organisations.
Our future society envision
Mission statement
Arts 4 Wellbeing allows members to feel that sense of security and independence. There are currently over 100 active members who access the services at the centre, which is open 5 days a week, excluding public holidays. The vast proportion of our members are introduced to the service through health and social care referral mechanisms.
We are a centre of excellence for creativity, academic and life skills. The centre continues to address social exclusion and push this as a main priority. Our building is a bungalow, this is designed to ensure spaces are shared and members are able to meet and chat; make new friends and interact with members and staff. The centre is disabled friendly and has access to all amenities needed for them.
Members health and wellbeing is paramount, and this is maintained through a combination of onsite and offsite activities. Ensuring good health and wellbeing and achieving good health outcomes is an important part of each members experience at Arts 4 Wellbeing.
Each member has a plan which contains the health outcomes to be achieved as advised by our partners who are involved in their care. This plan is reviewed regularly by the appropriate partners and medical professional. Arts 4 Wellbeing works in partnership with a range of health agencies supporting and equipping members with skills to mange their individual mental health and wellbeing needs.
Members are encouraged to eat healthy, and the menu is carefully planned to ensure a varied and nutritious diet with a range of food which is attractive and appetising.
Outdoor activities and physical activities form part of our service. Once again, this package is bespoke to the individuals needs, desires and aspirations.
Arts 4 Wellbeing is person centred and a desired place to make members open up and feel self worth.