Adult Social Care Services / Teams | Contact Details | |
Emergency Duty Team / Out of Hours | Tel: 0191 456 2093 | |
Hospital Discharge Team | Tel: 0191 4041194 | |
Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy / Your Voice Counts | Tel: 0191 478 6472 | |
Occupational Therapy | Tel: 0191 404 1000 ext 3104 | |
South Tyneside Let’s Talk Team:
Office hours: Mon – Thurs 08.30-17.00, Fri 08.30-16.30 Out of office hours for emergencies | Tel: 0191 424 4049
Tel: 0191 456 2093 Email: Tel: 0191 424 6000 Tel: 0191 456 2093 | |
Worried about a Child? | Tel: 0191 424 5010 (during normal office hours) Tel: 0191 456 2093 (out of hours) | |
Housing and Homelessness | Tel: 0300 123 6633 8am – 6.30pm Mon – Fri
0191 456 2093 out of hours | |
Clinical Commissioning Group | Tel: 0191 283 1903 Email: Website: South Tyneside CCG | |
Fire and Rescue | Non Urgent Tel: 0191 4441820 Urgent Tel: 999 | |
Police | Non–urgent Tel: 101 Urgent Tel : 999 | |
South Tyneside Adult Recovery Service | Tel: 0191 917 1160 | |
South Tyneside Hospital switchboard | Tel: 0191 404 1000 | |
Samaritans | Tel: 116 123 (Freephone 24 hours a day) | |
Mental health first Aider | Tel: 07720 426073 | |
Dementia Friends | Tel: 0300 222 5855 | |
Have you heard of the Herbert protocol?
Carers, family or friends of a vulnerable person, or the person themselves, can fill in a Herbert Protocol form in advance, containing information to help the police if the person goes missing.